Oglethorpe Woods Work Morning - Saturday, March 5
The wooded acres behind Oglethorpe Avenue Elementary School (OAES) have tremendous recreation potential for the community and the school, but the property is in need of maintenance to make the trail network safe and accessible.
This Saturday, March 5 — ahead of the Picnic & Positivity event — we need as many volunteers as possible to gather and help reclaim Oglethorpe woods from overgrown brush and vines. Here’s what we need:
Image from David Childers’ maintenance proposal.
9 a.m. – Cutting Crew: 5 to 7 people meet behind the school (to the left side facing the building) with small chain saws, straight-shaft brush cutters, and mattocks.
10 a.m.: Clean-up Crew: 20+ volunteers (with gloves, loppers and snippers) to reduce the brush, drag it into piles, and apply Round-up to the stumps. (Kids can help with this!
Noon - 2 p.m.: Picnic & Positivity socializing.
As I understand it, the local Boy Scout troop and others in the community have done lots of good work on this property in the past. Thank you to everyone who has contributed to this community resource!
The intention of this work day is to re-energize the community around the potential of of this recreation area and to bring an additional service element to the community-building efforts already underway at OAES.
Please add your name, email, and the tools you can bring to this spreadsheet, so that we can plan ahead and communicate any change of plans.
Contact me if you have any questions: Bart King: bart.king@4newgrowth.com.