Upcoming Vote on Speed Tables in Forest Heights

If you would like to see speed tables installed on Forest Heights Drive in an effort to slow traffic, keep an eye on your mail. ACC Traffic Engineering is sending ballots via certified mail to everyone in the neighborhood.

65% of the households in the neighborhood must vote “yes” within 45 days, or they will not be installed. A non-vote counts as a “no” vote. The embedded flyer, created by a friend of the neighborhood, points out the proposed locations for six speed tables and one roundabout.

It also suggests a DOT website with information about the effectiveness of speed tables. And it include an email address for anyone who has questions: forest.heights.30606+traffic@gmail.com. Please spread the word, so that everyone is aware of the opportunity to vote!

Bart King

Bart King is a writer, artist and father who is passionate about regenerating communities and ecosystems. His children’s books are available at NewGrowthPublishing.com. He is also the principal consultant at New Growth Communications, which provides marketing and PR assistance to clients in sustainability-related fields. Full bio here.


3rd Forest Heights Blueberry Festival Set for Saturday, June 3


It’s Time to Plant Blueberries, Again!