Blueberry Project is Rolling to a Fast Start!


Less than 48 hours after launching the community blueberry project in Forest Heights , 17 people have already signed up via the volunteer form! And another six expressed interested via Facebook, email or phone.

All of the 17 people who filled out the volunteer form so far said they are willing to host blueberry patches. So we definitely have a lot of site options already!

Also, 15 people committed to donating funds, so we’re well on our way there, too! Community members also offered previously purchased plants and materials and even existing blueberry patches! In short, the response has been terrific so far. Thank you!

What’s Next?

We’ll continue to gather interest and commitments until the end of the month. Then we’ll determine how many bushes we can buy and determine the best locations for sun and accessibility. So, please continue to help us spread the word.

We’ll also hold a virtual meeting on Sunday, November 22 at 5 p.m. to introduce ourselves, answer questions and talk more about the project. Mark it on your calendars, and we’ll post dial-in info soon!

Bart King

Bart King is a writer, artist and father who is passionate about regenerating communities and ecosystems. His children’s books are available at He is also the principal consultant at New Growth Communications, which provides marketing and PR assistance to clients in sustainability-related fields. Full bio here.


Blueberry Donations Tally, Week 1

Next Launches with Local Blueberry Project