Big Turnout for Winter Solstice Sunset


Approximately 75 people—including at least one adorable toddler—and a few good-natured dogs showed up for the Winter Solstice Sunset Celebration on Monday evening.

The size of the field allowed for as much social distancing as wanted and lots of kids, flying discs, soccer balls and spinning lights made for a festive, but relaxed atmosphere.

The weather was perfect, and while the crystal-clear sky didn’t make for a spectacular sunset, it did allow for easy viewing of the Christmas Star—a.k.a. Jupiter and Saturn in close proximity. Randy Smith brought a telescope home for Sandy Creek Nature Center and set it up for anyone to take a look. (Thanks Randy!) With the telescope, it was possible to see four of Jupiter’s 64 moons and a hint of Saturns rings.

Thanks as always to Forest Heights Baptist Church for maintaining and allowing access to the field. It's a terrific community asset.

Bart King

Bart King is a writer, artist and father who is passionate about regenerating communities and ecosystems. His children’s books are available at He is also the principal consultant at New Growth Communications, which provides marketing and PR assistance to clients in sustainability-related fields. Full bio here.


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