Survey Regarding Neighborhood Traffic and Safety

Forest Heights resident, Joe Lavine, is currently conducting an online survey to assess our community’s capacity for addressing traffic and safety issues.

The goal of the assessment, which is part of his graduate coursework in social work, is not to solve the issues we currently face in Forest Heights, but to better understand how well equipped we are to do it. “After I get the data and share it, it'll be up to the neighborhood how to proceed,” Joe explained. “If we're more aware of our strengths and challenges, we would be more prepared to make whatever change the neighborhood desired.”

The survey follows initial input Joe gathered from neighbors via comments to a post on the Forest Heights Facebook Group. Other concerns that came up in that discussion included affordable housing and resilience to disruptions in energy, water or food supplies.

Please take a few minutes to complete the survey before November 14.

Bart King

Bart King is a writer, artist and father who is passionate about regenerating communities and ecosystems. His children’s books are available at He is also the principal consultant at New Growth Communications, which provides marketing and PR assistance to clients in sustainability-related fields. Full bio here.


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